Bookings and Enquiries
If you would like to make an enquiry or book in a consultation with one of our team, please give us a call on (02) 8599 0859. If you are making an enquiry outside of office hours please fill in our contact form so we can call you back on the next business day. In the event that our office is unattended or if we are with another client and cannot answer the phone, please leave us a voice message as we do check our messages very closely.
If your vet or trainer has recommended a specific staff member to book in with, please let us know. Otherwise, we will use our judgement and offer you with the first available appointment with the most appropriate professional for your situation.
Please note that due to National Veterinary Recognition of Registration laws, it is unfortunately unlawful for our veterinarian to provide medical advice to clients located in WA or NT.
Prior to your Appointment
Once your booking is made and your deposit is received, you will be sent an email detailing what you need to do before the consultation. Attached to this email will be a number of very important documents that you will need to read and/or complete and send back to us within two weeks of your consultation. It is essential that we receive these documents on time so that the team member who will be seeing you can adequately prepare for the consultation, otherwise your appointment may need to be postponed. You will also be asked to provide us with details of your pet’s medical history (you can obtain a copy of this from your vet or you can ask them to email it directly to us), and some videos of your pet’s concerning behaviour, if possible.
Existing Clients
Keep us updated
At the initial consultation you will be given a direct email address for the specific team member who will be overseeing your pet’s case. We would like to encourage you to keep us frequently updated on your pet’s progress until your case is closed. This close relationship helps to ensure that the behaviour management program is revised regularly to suit your individual situation so that you have the greatest chance of a successful outcome.
For detailed advice such as medication dosage reviews and to discuss the next phase of your behaviour management program you will need to make an appointment for a revisit or teleconsultation.
Requesting more medication refills
CLICK HERE to request more medication from your behaviour vet
For logistical reasons and to prevent miscommunication between parties, unless there is an emergency, we kindly request that if our behaviour veterinarian has prescribed your pet with any medication, that you only contact us with any queries regarding this medication and not your usual vet, including to organise more medication repeats. Unfortunately we have seen too many cases of incorrect advice being given by well-meaning third parties that contradicts our vet’s treatment plans. More importantly, this system also helps us keep a close eye on how our cases are faring.